Impact Pricing Blog

The Secret to Using AI in Pricing: Ask Expert Questions

If you’re like me, you’re afraid of missing out on the power of AI. It can do so much, but what should we do with it? It could be a waste of time, or it could provide the key to our future. 

After using AI extensively across different domains and exchanging tips with both tech-savvy and less tech-savvy friends, I’ve discovered the secret to making AI truly useful: Simply ask it what you would ask an expert.

It sounds obvious, but most of us don’t do it. Here’s why:

  • We tend to not ask people questions because we don’t want to look stupid. (AI doesn’t judge you.). 
  • We tend to not ask questions because we think we already know it. (AI probably knows more than you about any topic.) 

I was talking with a friend who is a very successful keynote speaker and asked her if she ever considered doing workshops (full-day interactive events). She said yes, but didn’t know how to turn her content into a workshop. 

What if she could talk to an expert in creating workshops? She might ask something like, “I make these 3 points in my keynote presentation. What are some interactive exercises I could use to help people internalize these points?” AI can be that expert.

As a pricing expert focused on value through problem-solving, I use AI to understand my clients’ customer problems better. It’s like having an industry expert on call. Often, I discover more customer problems than my clients had considered.

If you are in pricing, I strongly recommend you ask AI many times and in many different ways, “what problems do we solve for our customers?” Do this for different market segments. Do it for different personas. Do it for different products and features. Try it for specific customers or prospects. The answers will surprise you. 

One important caveat: Never blindly trust AI’s responses. Use them as starting points for further investigation and apply your own judgment.. 

If you’d like help making sense of the huge list of problems you generate, give us a call. It’s what we do best. 

Share your comments on the LinkedIn post.

Now, go make an impact!

Tags: ask a pricing expert, pricing, pricing foundations, pricing metrics, pricing skills, pricing strategy, pricing value, value, value-based pricing

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