Impact Pricing Podcast

Memecast #69: Sales Confidence

This one’s really targeted at marketing people, product management.

It turns out that we make fun of salespeople a lot because they offer discounts, they don’t know how to sell value. But the question that I would ask is, what have you given them in terms of tools and knowledge and confidence that they can win deals at the prices that we think they should be winning at?

We may have gone out and done a ton of analysis in the marketplace, we understand the value of our product, we understand how we compare to the competition, but have we shared that well with our salespeople?

“We may have gone out and done a ton of analysis in the marketplace, but have we shared that well with our salespeople?”

– Mark Stiving

In my newest book, Selling Value, I describe something called a value table. And if you’ve created a value table, it simply documents where the value of your product really comes from. And if you can share that information with your salespeople, it gives them the ability to go look for places where there really is value in the marketplace. And it gives them the ability to have value conversations with their customers and potentially close more deals at the prices that we think they should be winning at.

We hope you enjoyed this memecast. This impactful insight came from the book, Selling Value, which I wrote to help salespeople win more deals at higher prices. If you have any questions or feedback, please email me [email protected].

Now, go make an impact.

Connect with Mark Stiving: 

Tags: Accelerate Your Subscription Business, ask a pricing expert, pricing metrics, pricing strategy

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Our Speakers

Mark Stiving, Ph.D.

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