Impact Pricing Podcast

EP54: How to Create an Effective Distributor Pricing Strategy with Ralph Zuponcic

Ralph Zuponcic is the president and co-founder of PricePoint Partners, LLC., a company that enables wholesale distributors and manufacturing companies to improve margin performance through price optimization initiatives, margin management tools, and highly effective pricing training programs. He is now a national authority on strategic pricing and margin management.  Ralph has lectured at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business and at associations and companies across the country. He has also been featured in publications including The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Small Business, CFO Magazine, and Marketing News. 

In this episode, Ralph shares about pricing in the manufacturing and distribution channels industry. 



Why you have to check out today’s podcast: 

  • Why it is not a good idea to use Cost-Plus pricing in the manufacturing and distribution channels 
  • Which tool to use to provide data for a favorable Pricing when you can’t obtain data from distribution channels 
  • Find out favorable arguments, from a pricing standpoint, to go direct selling rather than by way of distribution channels 


“Focus on smaller accounts to start with. And see what kind of improvement you can get there. And look for that price variation. And you don’t need to boil the ocean just start getting some improvement. Start small with pricing. Get some early wins. And move on from there.”  

Ralph Zuponcic


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Topics Covered:  


01:26 – Ralph’s path to Pricing 

04:07 – Reasons why he is not for Cost-Plus Pricing 

07:08 – Why is there a lot of focus on cost in manufacturing companies 

08:33 – What happens when you use Cost-Plus Pricing and you lower your cost by a certain percentage 

09:03 – What do most distributors use other than Cost-Plus to address competitive pressures 

11:32 – What benefit can you get from Price-Variance Analysis 

12:59 – How to deal with Pricing with distribution channels who don’t have direct sales forces in the marketplace 

16:06 – How to do Pricing for distributors that is advantageous to both manufacturers and distributors 

18:18 – Ralph’s thoughts on distributors getting to choose their own prices 

21:31 – The difficulty with the manufacturer not having direct access to a distribution channel’s Pricing 

24:10 – From a pricing standpoint why is selling directly a better choice than through distribution channels 

25:26 – On the idea of manufacturers trading lower price to distributors for their data 

26:55 – Valuable pricing advice that can impact one’s business 


Key Takeaways: 


“If you are obviously pricing too high for the distributor and doesn’t leave him enough margin, it disrupts what’s going on in their marketplace with the final user or the final buyer. Achieving that balance is difficult. If you can have a relationship, maybe not with all the distributors, but some key distributors that are tight enough that you can have those discussions openly and honestly, it starts to give you some better insight and then you can cooperate right with each other to arrive at a pricing that’s going to be meaningful both coming from the manufacturer and coming from the distributor.” — Ralph Zuponcic 


“If I’m a manufacturer and I have the choice between direct and distribution, I know what I would prefer from a pricing standpoint. I’m ready to go direct. I have more control.”— Ralph Zuponcic 


“What we do is we take all the data, all the price points that have been charged for a given item. We put them on a scatterplot, and we see how much variance there is. When you look at that scatter plot, we tend to think of it as market research data because it’s telling us what customers are willing to pay.” — Ralph Zuponcic 



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Full Interview Transcript 

(Note: This transcript was created using Temi, an AI transcription service.  Please forgive any transcription or grammatical errors.  We probably sounded better in real life.) 

Ralph Zuponcic: And so, what we do is we take all the data, all the price points that have been charged, if you will, for a given item. We put them on a scatterplot, right? And we see how much variance there is. When you look at that scatterplot, we tend to think of it as market research data because it’s telling us what customers are willing to pay. 


Mark Stiving: Welcome to Impact Pricing, the podcast where we discuss pricing, value, and the mysterious relationship between them. I’m Mark Stiving, today our guest is Ralph Zuponcic. Here are three things you want to know about Ralph before we start. He has a patent in his own name. That’s pretty impressive. He’s from my home state of Ohio. In fact, he played college football at Ohio University, which is not the Ohio State University. But still it’s a great school. And he’s the Founder and President of Pricing Point Partners, and he did that in the last century. Welcome, Ralph. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Thank you, Mark. Thanks for having me. 


Mark Stiving: Oh, it’s going to be fun. How did you get into pricing? 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, that’s a good question. So, we had actually started a business back in about 1996, where we were doing a marketing research for companies and lo and behold, we had one of our larger clients that asked us to do some work that involves pricing, right? And make a long story short, we kind of dove into that and had to do some, some quick learning and quick studying and was able to apply some basic value principles to pricing at that time. And recognized it as an opportunity, right, an industry way back then, right? When there were, you know, just two or three pricing consultancies, maybe, in the country. And so, got started with this client and spread from there and just kept building up. And you know how pricing has evolved, right, over the years. And today, right, we’ve got tools and software to help us manage pricing, particularly in these complex environments. So, it’s evolved tremendously, right, in the last 20 some years. So that’s how we got started and it’s been quite a journey. 


Mark Stiving: So, it sounds like when you first started, people didn’t know that pricing was important. And I have to say, even today, it feels to me like so many companies don’t know pricing is important. Would you disagree with that? 


Ralph Zuponcic: No, I would agree with that completely. And way back in the late, the mid to late 90s, it was even worse. The level of education that it took to even have a conversation around pricing was immense and sometimes would take months and months and months of discussion before people finally understood what strategic pricing really meant. And then to get them comfortable with actually taking some initial steps in their businesses towards for future pricing was even more difficult. So, sales cycles were very, very long. And frankly, a lot of people just didn’t get it. And I can tell you early on, it was somewhat discouraging. Today, it’s better, and pricing has gotten a lot of press by a lot of different organizations. And it’s better and it’s easier today, but not as easy as, say, convincing people that they need to improve revenues, for example, or sales. But, but yeah, you’re absolutely right, it was challenged early on.  


Mark Stiving: Yeah. So, when I read a little bit about Price Point Partners, you guys focus mostly on distribution and manufacturing. Is that true? 


Ralph Zuponcic: That is true. That’s our world. Yes.  


Mark Stiving: Okay. So, here’s what’s fa, first off, I think it’s a given when we think about manufacturing and distribution, we’re talking about a physical good, which means there are the hard costs of goods sold. Is that true? 


Ralph Zuponcic: That is absolutely true. 


Mark Stiving: Okay. So, you fight a battle probably every day that is you don’t want to do cost-plus pricing. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Amen to that. Yeah, absolutely. You know, I saw some statistics number of years ago that something like 67% of all manufacturing companies use cost-plus pricing, right? And what leads to that, in most cases, is lack of any knowledge on how to do it otherwise, right? And it’s simple, right? And, you know, we know the reasons why companies use it, but many times they just don’t know a better way. And the fact is, distributors and manufacturers are living in these complex price environments where there’s lots of items their selling, there are lots of customers, there are lots of markets, and even if you just stop right there, that just creates complexity and of itself. And so, the easy thing to do is go to cost-plus and that’s okay, you know, when it comes to protecting margins as you know, Mark. But it doesn’t help you reach for the optimal price if you will. 


Mark Stiving: Yeah, I remember my very first sales job, I was an engineer when I first came out of school, and then I transferred into sales engineering. I was selling multimillion-dollar pieces of test equipment. And what I recall is the way we would price is we would just take what’s the cost of the hardware and multiply that times five. And that’s our starting point, it was just insane. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, you know, right? So that’s what you do if you’re lacking anything else. And the one thing it does is it can help you establish a pricing floor, right, just by saying, “All right, here’s our minimum margin, that we’re not going to sell any lower than this, right, and use that to establish that floor.” But all too often, right, companies are using it to establish their final price. And they have no idea, right? So, three things happen when you use cost-plus pricing that are unnecessarily good. One is that you now set a price that is higher than the customers willing to pay, and so you lose the sale. Secondly, you happen to set a price that’s much lower than a customer is willing to pay, and so now you’ve left a lot of money on the table. And thirdly, actually this is obviously a good thing, by stroke of luck, you happen to arrive at a price that is the maximum that customers willing to pay. But you and I both know that that occurs in a very, very small percentage of those cases. 


Mark Stiving: And it’s different for every customer. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Exactly, exactly. You’ve got to factor those things. And you’ve got to understand the value at those accounts, right, with that customer and what they value and how they value it. 


Mark Stiving: Yeah. I think cost-plus is, well, I guess the reason that I’m talking about cost-plus with you is I so often talk to software companies. Software companies have this amazing advantage in that they don’t have hard costs and yet they still find a way to totally mess this up by taking their fixed costs and dividing it by forecasted units and calling that a cost and using that as cost-plus. But hardware companies, I at least feel for them in that they know they have to cover their costs when they’re selling their products. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, they do. And you know, you want to cover those costs. It’s the minimal thing that you need to do, obviously, in covering those costs. And you think about it, particularly in manufacturing environments, these manufacturing facilities, there is such a strong focus on costs and controlling costs, right? Most manufacturers believe that the way to get to profitability is simply to reduce costs. So, they just don’t apply enough attention to the pricing side of it, right? Which you and I know just a little bit of pricing, you can go a long way to improving profitability, that everything in the organization then becomes focused cost and cost alone. So why not base your pricing on that as well, you know, it’s the thinking.  


Mark Stiving: Yeah. And quick aside, I’m sure you’ve already done this math before, but if I do cost-plus pricing, so let’s say I find a way to lower my costs by 10%. That means I also lowered my price by 10%, which means I make less margin dollars. Now that’s insane, isn’t it?  


Ralph Zuponcic: It is. It’s the double whammy, isn’t it? And so, yeah, because everything’s based on what you do with that cost. What they should do, at the very least, is leave the price where it’s at. We have to prove the marginal to reduce cost and take it from there, that’s at least moving in the right direction. But that’s not what happens right? You stick to cost-plus; you’re going to be basing your price on a lower cost. 


Mark Stiving: Okay. So, if we want to get away from cost-plus, I want to talk a little bit about distribution because this is just something that’s fascinates me. Let’s take distributor, distributors got 100,000 parts that they’re stocking or at least having access to. Manufacturers may be changing the prices of products on a regular basis. They’ve got competitive pressures from other distributors or other distribution channels out there. If they’re not doing cost-plus, what do they do? 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, good point. So, what we see with most distributors is that they leave some of the authority if you will, to set pricing in the hands of their salespeople. This is very common among distributors. In some cases, salespeople create the selling price completely on their own. And in other cases, they have the ability to discount off of a recommended price that may have been based on a cost-plus. And so, what happens is, you’ve got all these salespeople out there that are kind of doing their own thing because no one has given them direction otherwise, right? Not blaming them, it’s just the way it is. And they don’t have the visibility to what other salespeople are charging for the identical item in similar selling situations. And so, what we do is we take all the data, all the price points that have been charged, if you will, for a given item. We put them on a scatterplot, right? And we see how much variance there is. When you look at that scatterplot, we tend to think of it as market research data because it’s telling us what customers are willing to pay. And when we see a lot of customers that are willing to pay $10 per unit. But I’ve got a handful of customers down here that are paying six or $7 per unit. And where they’re the same type of customer, and the same type of market, what we’re talking about here, Mark, is pricing segmentation, segmenting your market. Why shouldn’t those six and $7 customers be paying more like nine or 10 like everybody else’s? So, when we start doing those comparisons and showing salespeople that in fact, you’re priced 20, 30, 40% lower than your peers. Other salespeople are getting those prices, they can see, then have the visibility to that. And they’re more willing then to start moving their prices up to that higher level. So, what we really do is do price comparison, if you will, we call it price variance analysis. And it gives salespeople the insight and the confidence, if you will, to move their prices higher. 


Mark Stiving: Yeah. I think price variance analysis makes a ton of sense because what we’re looking at is, who got the lower prices? Can we figure out why they got lower prices? Who was willing to pay us more? Can we figure out why they’re willing to pay us more? And now we have this uncanny ability to know, before the customer negotiates with us, how much they’d be willing to pay. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Exactly, you know, just having more insight to it. It also means spending a little bit more time on pricing from a salesperson standpoint. So, they need to understand why this is important to their company, right? They need to understand the leverage effect that price has on profitability. And in ideal situations, Mark, what we like to see happen is that you adjust a salesperson’s incentive program to include not only, let’s say, top-line sales incentives. But in addition to that, make a portion of it price incentives for achieving a target price or at the very least, improving your price-performance from one year to the next. If salesperson can be measured on their price realization this year, next year’s goal may be to get their price realization up maybe one and a half, maybe as much as two margin points. Okay. And that’s all measurable. Pricing can be isolated from a measurement standpoint and communicate it to your salespeople. That’s the ideal situation, to get your salespeople on board from an incentive standpoint. 


Mark Stiving: This sounds awesome. What do you do or do you have anything to do for the company’s distribution channels who don’t have direct sales forces into the marketplace? So, they’re really just, I shouldn’t say just, but they’re really getting paid for buying, storing, shipping, having inventory for people to be able to buy. 


Ralph Zuponcic: So, you’re thinking third party distributors, if you will, right?  


Mark Stiving: Yes. 


Ralph Zuponcic: And so, carrying the same sort of strategy, this approach to the distributors can really pay big dividends. And it’s a matter of educating them as well, getting in there and showing them, right, how they can price better. Doing similar analyses for them or with them, right, getting them into buy into that, because if they can understand that and they can push for higher and better pricing, that only pays off for the manufacturer as well. So, the manufacturer now is having to do less discounting through the distributor to get the business as a distributor now understands what the acceptable price points will be. So, it takes some pressure off the manufacturer and releases some tension that can exist between manufacturer and distributor as it relates to pricing. 



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Mark Stiving: Yeah, I remember I was in the semiconductor business for quite a while, and we would sell both direct and we sold through distribution a lot. And selling through distribution is always tricky because we’re stepping back and saying to ourselves, what margin does that distributor need in order to carry our products? Now, it wasn’t quite as simple as that but it always felt like there was this, a number for each distributor. And it’s like they’re doing cost-plus, when if I were coaching distribution, I would help them find ways to get away from or at least move away from cost-plus pricing. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, exactly. So, you’ve got this balance that you’re trying to work out, right? If you are obviously, pricing too high for the distributor, it doesn’t leave him enough margin, it disrupts what’s going on in their marketplace with the final user of the final buyer. And so, achieving that balance is difficult, if you can have a relationship, maybe not with all distributors, but some key distributors that are tight enough that you can have those discussions openly and honestly. It starts to give you, you know, some better insight. And then you can cooperate, right, with each other to arrive at a pricing that’s going to be meaningful, both coming from the manufacturer and coming from the distributor. So that’s difficult. We have a client right now, oddly enough, who has access to what the distributors actually charging to their end-users. And so, they can see the margins, that we calculate the margins. And it’s a very unusual situation that we just don’t see very often. But in those situations where that information is shared, it does make it a lot easier, right, to manage that. Now, that’s not saying that there still isn’t some pushback from the distributor, we’ve seen situations in this case where the distributor will pressure the manufacturer for a discounted price in order to close a certain deal. And then, later on, the manufacturer finds out that that distributor never pass the discount to the final customer, they just pocketed the difference. So, you got to be careful in those kinds of situations, those negotiations, and understand what the market price really needs to be. So, it does get a little bit hairy when you have another channel in there, if you will, like a distributor, for sure. 


Mark Stiving: Yeah. And so, as a manufacturer, if I’m going to sell through distribution, I want to price it thinking here’s what the end customers willing to pay. I need to give my distributor 22 points of margin. Here’s the price I should charge my distributor. And so essentially, I’m calculating backwards. And I don’t know for sure what my distributor is going to do or do they really price it the way I want them to price it because we don’t control their prices, right? Distributors get to choose their own prices. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, exactly. That’s the problem. So, they can charge whatever they want. Now, we have seen situations, right, where distributors maybe a captured distributor, if you will. And there’s a couple of companies here in the Cleveland area, in Ohio area that do that, where one of them is a swage lock, which makes a small handheld valve that is used in the industry, and they go through distribution. However, these distributors, even other independent businesses, are 100% committed to swage lock, right? So, swage locks then and can pretty much dictate what those prices are going to be through that distributor. That’s an unusual situation, right? In most cases, distributors representing you, and you know, perhaps dozens of other, other suppliers, you just don’t have that control. They may be representing competing suppliers, which makes it even more difficult. 


Mark Stiving: Yeah. And whenever I was in that case, which by the way in semiconductors, every distributor carries many different manufacturer’s products, so they carried our competitors. We always had to decide if I give the distributor more money, they’re more likely to push my product than my competitor’s product.  


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, it’s a constant tweaking and balancing. And what happens is sales teams, you know, get involved sometimes with these distributors almost on a deal by deal basis, you know, the manufacturer’s salespeople do. And so, distributor brings to you perhaps a big potential sale. And so, people start sharpening their pencils, right, and cutting prices, and maybe next week there’s another one. And so, it can be very dynamic in that case, right, depending on the industry that you’re in. Another case is, as you mentioned earlier, you may have 10s of thousands of items and manufacturers are sending you price increases, you know, every week. And just keeping up and keeping current with that becomes very important. We had one client who was a distributor to convenience stores, and they had thousands of products, Mark, as you might imagine, you know, candies and snacks and things like that. And they would be getting price increases every week, and they in turn will increase the prices on those items every week. They didn’t wait till the end of the quarter or an annual basis to do that. This is a very tight margin business and they literally increase the prices when they got an increase from their supplier. In other cases, in different industries, different markets, we’ll see that being done maybe twice a year, sometimes once a year. Depends on the industry you’re in, it depends on how tight your margins are. 


Mark Stiving: Yeah. Can we talk just a little bit about data for a second? In semiconductors, we had the lovely advantage that the distributors gave the manufacturers point of sale data, meaning we knew which part they sold to which customer at what volume and what price. Now, that was only for us, it wasn’t for our competitor’s product so we didn’t get to see all that. But we got our own point of sale data, which proved to be extremely valuable in building relationships or understanding our marketplace. But I’m under the impression most distribution channels don’t do that. 


Ralph Zuponcic: You’re right, most don’t. We’ve come across, honestly, only one or two over the years in business that do that. And there are certain industries, where that is more of the norm. In most industries, you know, you’re selling your products as a manufacturer to the distributor. And after that, you have no idea where it’s going, or you have much less what the pricing is. And so, with that, you really got to be mindful of what the market pricing is, through other ways, right and perhaps testing the market. Or if you’re fortunate enough to be selling through distribution and being able to sell direct, right? If you’re selling to similar or identical markets, you’ve got, you know, a direct link, right, to what the marketplace is willing to pay. That can be very helpful. And many manufacturers are using this distribution only and so they’re really relying on any feedback they might get from a distributor which oftentimes can be tainted, right? They have an incentive to communicate lower pricing. So, it’s unusual that manufacturers have access to what distributors are charging, unless of course, the items are selling are published, right, either online or in a catalog or something like that. Then you can see what the retail pricing is. But even in those cases, right, we find that many distributors will negotiate off with those list prices are so they become less valuable to the manufacturer. So, they might list an item at $20 per unit, when reality their average selling price might be 12 or $15. 


Mark Stiving: Do you think the distributors have the data, and they just choose not to share it with the manufacturers? 


Ralph Zuponcic: I believe, in most cases, particularly medium to large size distributors, they have the data and choose not to, right? In some cases, they may not have the data or all the data, but I think it’s their choice, right? What it does then is if they provide that data back to the manufacturer, now the manufacturer clearly sees the margin, right? And in most cases, distributors, most businesses want to protect that. They don’t have to share their margins with a supplier. They’d rather not do it. And so, it just happened very often. 


Mark Stiving: What a great comment. When I was with the semiconductor industry, it was pretty fascinating that it was a common conversation that people would say, “Well, how do we take more margin out of our distribution channel.” And I would keep thinking, “Why are you doing that?” Because if you do that, they’re going to go sell their competitors’ parts. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Right. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, this is balanced, right? I mean, you got to let the distributor make a reasonable margin. And you got to decide what reasonable is, right? And it’s that preferred industry and you just got to, you know, understand what’s going on in your industry. It’d be great if you knew what every distributor’s margin was. But things can get really murky, you know, in terms of visibility to an awful lot when you’re using distributors, you certainly don’t know what their margins are. You may not even know who their customers are, who they’re selling to unless you’re doing a lot of direct shipping, right? Dropshipping to their accounts. You don’t know the size of their accounts. It’s really, it’s really blind. And I know in a lot of cases, distribution is the way you have to go. But if I’m a manufacturer and I have a choice between direct and distribution, I know what I would prefer from a pricing standpoint, I’d rather go direct, I have more control.  


Mark Stiving: Yeah, absolutely. I guess the other thing I would really like to do if I were manufacturer in one of these distribution channels, is I would negotiate a price, a lower price for them if they would give me the data. So, it’s like I’m paying them for data. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Yeah, that would be an interesting trade. I think that’s a great idea to offer that, right? That we can negotiate and give you a discounted price and trade for certain data, that’d be very helpful. And in turn, you also might be able to share with them that giving us certain data may allow us to help you with price analysis, and help you get more price, right?  


Mark Stiving: Absolutely. This is a win-win story, right? It’s not, my distribution channel is a partner of mine, it’s not a competitor. 


Ralph Zuponcic: Absolutely. And if you can get them to buy into that, right? Then you’ve created the, as you say, that win-win situation. And everybody wins, right? The distributor can get a little more price, the manufacturer might get a little more price, or know where to get more price, that’s the key. And know where not to get more price. And so, what it does is, if you can do that, you end up with a distributor that has a lot more confident about their pricing in the marketplace. And that’s what it’s all about. The reason we underpriced, Mark, is because we don’t have the confidence in going to the marketplace with even slightly higher pricing. It’s all about being confident in the prices that you’re charging. So, in turn, we drop our prices and keep them low because that’s comfortable for us.  


Mark Stiving: Yeah. Ralph, this has been so much fun. I’ve really enjoyed this. And I always end with this question. So let me, let me hit you with it. What’s one piece of pricing advice you would give our listeners that you think could have a big impact on their business? 


Ralph Zuponcic: Sure. So, what we see an awful lot is companies that reach out to us that kind of want to boil the ocean on pricing, right? And so, they could end up being these enormous undertakings. And my recommendation to them, and our listeners, would be, look first for the initial step. Find a spot in the organization where you can get a toehold, let’s say, on something related to pricing. Look for that low hanging fruit, right, where you can attack maybe your smaller accounts and get some price improvement there. By the way, there’s a lot more margin to be gained by addressing there are tiny accounts and there are small accounts than most people believe. Everyone’s focused on their largest accounts, don’t go there, because they’re going to negotiate. They have a lot of buying power. Instead, focus on those smaller accounts to start with, and see what kind of improvement you can get there, and look for that price variation. And you don’t need to boil the ocean, just start getting some improvement so you can get some buying in from your organization. Get some interest in from senior management, if you will, and able to move from that point. So, the point is to start small with pricing, get some early wins and move on from there. 


Mark Stiving: A, I think that’s brilliant. But B, I want to repeat something that you just said, which I thought was really fascinating. And that is, if I’m a manufacturer, and I’ve got power, and my buyer has power. That power shift changes if I’m selling to big companies versus small companies. 


Ralph Zuponcic: It really does, it really does. I can’t tell you how many clients we’ve worked with over the years and help them get millions of dollars in profit improvement. And we never touched their largest accounts. Okay, we played with the medium size to smaller accounts, and it’s an absolute goldmine. And so, what we find is so many companies are so focused on their big accounts, they’re not paying attention to the smaller ones, and there’s a lot of money to be made there. And it’s low risk compared to dealing with the big accounts.  


Mark Stiving: That is absolute gold. All right. Well, thank you so much for your time today. If anybody wants to contact you, how can they do that? 


Ralph Zuponcic: I think the best thing to do, Mark, is visiting our website, And you’ll find our phone number there and email which you can reach out to us if you wish. And other than that, I’ll leave a phone number as well. Our number here is 330-342-0923. And you can reach out and call us there if you’d like, and we’ll be happy to have a conversation. 


Mark Stiving: I got to ask this Ralph, does anybody actually make phone calls anymore? 


Ralph Zuponcic: You know what they do? Occasionally our phone does ring and the caller on the other end it says, “I need help.”  


Mark Stiving: All right. 


Ralph Zuponcic: You know, the best thing is go right to our website,, and you’ll find where you can contact us there. 


Mark Stiving: Beautiful. Episode 54 all done. Let’s see, my favorite part, I think my favorite part, although I enjoyed it all I have to say, was the very end when we were talking about the power of big customers versus small customers. It was just extremely clear and insightful. To our listeners, what was your favorite part? Please let us know in the comments or wherever you downloaded and listen to this. And while you’re at it, would you give us a five-star review? These are so valuable to us. If you have any questions or comments about the podcast or about pricing, feel free to email me [email protected].

Now, go make an impact!  

**Note: Mark Stiving has an active LinkedIn community, where he participates in conversations and answers questions. Each week, he creates a blog post for the top question. If you have a question, head over to LinkedIn to communicate directly with Mark.


Tags: Accelerate Your Subscription Business, ask a pricing expert, pricing metrics, pricing strategy

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How Private Equity Can Drive Value Without Compromising Relationships

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your pricing approach and drive increased value.

Our Speakers

Mark Stiving, Ph.D.

CEO at Impact Pricing

Alexis Underwood

Managing Director at Wynnchurch Capital, L.P.

Stephen Plume

Managing Director of
The Entrepreneurs' Fund