Do You Need a New Pricing Metric?
You can listen to the full audio version of this blog we call — Blogcast. The first indication that you need a new pricing metric
You can listen to the full audio version of this blog we call — Blogcast. The first indication that you need a new pricing metric
You can listen to the full audio version of this blog we call — Blogcast. Two weeks ago, I published a blog titled “Defining Value.”
One reason people don’t buy from us is because they think our product is too expensive. Maybe they are right … for them. Maybe they
People often ask me what I do and I proudly say, “I’m a pricing expert.” The next question is usually “What do you price?” I
There is an interesting article in Quartz titled “How Trained Incapacity Could Be Damaging Your Career.” This closely parallels my experience with corporate pricing professionals.
Find out and learn the importance of understanding Buyer’s Value Map for effective sales conversation in this dynamic ever changing world.
Ask pricing experts whether pricing is an art or a science and every one will respond with “both.” The science side is easy to understand
Too much revenue, profit, and value are given away to procurement agents. This absolutely means that salespeople need to become better at negotiating and at selling
Last week we talked about how hard it is for individuals to focus on customer value. If you think it’s hard for one person, try getting
Lately, I’ve had the need to and pleasure of thinking about using data for the purpose of segmentation. If you are statistically oriented, you know we’re