Memecast #83: Queen of Diamonds: Inherent Value and Relative Value
This one is the Queen of Diamonds from the Selling Value card deck. It’s true, buyers are using inherent value or relative value. This is
This one is the Queen of Diamonds from the Selling Value card deck. It’s true, buyers are using inherent value or relative value. This is
This one is the Queen of Clubs from the Selling Value card deck. Customers’ perception of value is their reality. This is absolutely true. Think
This one is the Queen of Hearts from the Selling Value card deck. Buyers who don’t believe you understand their problems, won’t listen to your
This one is the Queen of Spades from the Selling Value card deck. It turns out that when we shop for something, especially if it’s
This one is the King of Diamonds from the Selling Value card deck. If a salesperson doesn’t believe they’re going to win selling your product,
This one is the King of Clubs from the Selling Value card deck. What we really want is for our salespeople to be able to
This one is the King of Hearts from the Selling Value card deck. It’s true, value-based pricing is impossible because value-based pricing simply means charge
This one is the King of Spades from the Selling Value card deck. It’s true, value-based pricing is the most profitable pricing strategy you can
This one is the Ace of Diamonds from the Selling Value card deck. When companies or people inside companies say we sell a commodity, what
This one is the Ace of Clubs from the Selling Value card deck. One of my favorite sayings, when I’m teaching, is, nobody cares about