Impact Pricing Podcast
Ep137: Setting Prices Using the World’s Best Buyer Persona with Stormie Andrews
Stormie Andrews is the president of Yokel Local. He is a licensed practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an award-winning author, Forbes contributor, HubSpot contributor, recognized
Blogcast #19: I Hate Loss Aversion
This is an article published on June 28, 2021, turned into an audio podcast so you can listen on the go. Read Full Article Here:
Memecast #22: Your Customers’ Decisions
It’s true, we expect we need to know how it is that our buyers are making decisions. In particular, how is it that they use
Ep136: The Bigger Picture of Value with Liz Wainger
Liz Wainger is a communications strategist, author, serial connector – I help businesses and nonprofits clarify their messaging and purpose. In this episode, Liz shares
Blogcast #18: When Should You Lower Your Price?
This is an article published on June 9, 2021, turned into an audio podcast so you can listen on the go. Read Full Article Here:
Memecast #21: Customer Success Creates Value
We know that we have to subscription companies have to win customers, keep customers, grow customers. This is really about keeping customers and we should