Impact Pricing Blog
Written by a Human!
Subscription As A Loss Leader: A Lesson from Burger King
Burger King is offering a coffee subscription for only $5 per month. That’s less than two trips to Starbucks!!! How can they do that?
Why San Francisco Companies Should End Prices in 49
A reader/colleague recently sent in a research paper that is fascinating, but probably not that impactful. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky and Soren Kocer wrote Price Endings that
Should Pricing Belong to Marketing? Ask an Expert
Question: What do you think is the connection between pricing & marketing? I read that a lot of people say “pricing is part of marketing,
Pricing Is Like Tic Tac Toe, Only a Lot More Complex
First a question. Is there anyone who doesn’t know what tic tac toe is? That’s a genuine question asked by a naive American. It’s so
Should I Offer Discounts for Future Business?
Question (edited by me): Hey Mark, I would like to thank you, because I have been following your LinkedIn posts for half a year and
Pricing Lessons from Howard Hughes’ Father
Howard Hughes, the eccentric Hollywood playboy, inherited a fortune that was generated by his father. The other day, a podcast guest told me Hughes Senior