Impact Pricing Blog
Written by a Human!
Q&A: Understanding Your Buyers’ Perceptions of Price
Question: What are some easy alternative ways to determine where your customer sees your pricing in the market? Or worse yet… when you suspect that
Why Verizon’s New Pricing Strategy Won’t Work
An article in the Philadelphia Inquirer was headlined as: “Verizon ditches hidden fees, cable bundles to lure cord cutters. Will Comcast, others follow?” The article
Q&A: Why is Price a Feeling?
Question: Mark, on the podcast with Ron Baker he said “Price is a feeling”. Why isn’t it a number? -G Answer: Hi G. Thank you
Why Behavioral Economics Doesn’t Work with Subscriptions
Behavioral economics is really interesting. In this field, researchers study how people consistently make irrational decisions. When we understand these well enough, we can craft
Q&A: Where Should Pricing Sit in a Company?
Question: Hi Mark – Where should pricing sit, or where does it typically sit? Finance, sales, marketing, product? What are best practices? – A Answer:
Costs and Pricing Are Not As Closely Related As the World Thinks
Fixed costs never matter to pricing. Variable or incremental costs only matter to pricing in markets where we don’t negotiate. If you’ve read or followed