Impact Pricing Podcast
Memecast #2: Win, Keep, Grow
The secrets to a successful subscription really are to win, keep, and grow. Traditional companies meaning those that are typically transaction-oriented, know about winning. And
Ep116: Value-Based Pricing: Valuing and Monetizing Products and Services with Jon Manning
Jon Manning is the Head of Pricing / Chief Economist at MYOB and Author of “Overcoming Floccinaucinihilipilification: Valuing and Monetizing Products and Services”. His career
Memecast #1: Value-Based Pricing
How do you determine how much to charge for a product? Figuring out how much somebody’s willing to pay for a product seems like a
Ep115: Pricing as a Profession: Setting your Pricing Career with Kevin Mitchell
Kevin Mitchell is the President of The Professional Pricing Society (PPS), the worldwide professional organization dedicated to pricing training, education, and networking. In this episode, Kevin
Ep114: Price Modes: Something You’ve Never Heard Of, But Need To with Brooks Hamilton
Brooks Hamilton is the Vice President of Services at Zilliant. He is responsible for Services sales, the technical team, engagement methodology, partner enablement, and training
Ep113: When to Use a Subscription Model with Axel Kirstetter
Axel Kirstetter is a global and multilingual technology executive with start-up and large-cap experience for companies achieving accelerated growth targets, category leadership, and successful exits