Inspiring Keynote addresses from america's top pricing expert

Your market doesn’t care about your product. ​

Your market cares about how much value they will get from your product. Purchase decisions are driven almost entirely by the perceived value of the alternatives.  


Speaker and Educator​

Mark Stiving is the pricing expert who can show your audience how to strategically price their products and services to generate the most profit and capture more of the buying market. 

With his Pricing for Growth presentations, Mark shares his expertise with your audience to help them overcome their pricing struggles and grow their businesses exponentially.

Mark's Most Requested Keynote ​

Selling Value​

How to Win More Deals at Higher Prices​

What your team will learn:

  • How to discover and document the value that resonates with your buyers
  • How buyers discover and use value to make purchase decisions
  • How to identify each buyer’s value journey and hence what information each buyer needs before buying

Salespeople are often told to sell the value, not the features, but who even knows what value means. In this insightful presentation, Mark will adapt what he has learned from 25 years of value based pricing to help your salespeople gain a much stronger grasp on how your customers perceive value. Armed with this knowledge, your sales team really can win more deals at higher prices.

Delivered Live or Virtually​


Pricing Best Practices:
How Private Equity Can Drive Value Without Compromising Relationships

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your pricing approach and drive increased value.

Our Speakers

Mark Stiving, Ph.D.

CEO at Impact Pricing

Alexis Underwood

Managing Director at Wynnchurch Capital, L.P.

Stephen Plume

Managing Director of
The Entrepreneurs' Fund